Quote from: invisibleman_007 on October 28, 2011, 01:13 pmHowever when I use tails it tells me to update the tor browser but obviously it's Tails so that's not possibleActually, it's simple as shit to keep Tails updated. The Debian repositories contain all the security updates you need, and they should be applied every time you boot Tails.Every time you start Tails, simply type in:sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgradeYou MUST do this every time you boot tails. The Tails live CD is configured to use the 'stable' packaging list when you run update, and there are constantly new component updates. Like everything else when you use Tails, those updates are lost when you shut down your Tails session.Every Tails user needs to do this EVERY TIME they start Tails. You should have already been doing this, so now you can start getting in this habit.This cannot be stressed enough!Boot Tails.Type in: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade [Enter]EVERY SINGLE TIME!If you do not do this, you are not running as secure as you think you are.Edited to add that your first visit after you boot should ALWAYS be to https://tails.boum.org/ to check for news, security warnings, or a new release.